Couple Life 3D Apk

Couple Life 3D

Velg din historie, ta romantiske valg, nyt livet mellom elskere!

Couple Life 3D is an innovative app specially designed for couples to enhance their love life in a fun and interactive way. Developed by Millecrepe Studios, this app offers a unique experience to couples by providing them with a virtual world where they can engage in various activities, plan their dates, and strengthen their relationship. With its user-friendly interface and realistic graphics, Couple Life 3D offers an immersive experience to couples that brings them closer together. The app offers a range of exciting features such as customizing avatars, planning dates, and purchasing gifts for their partners. Whether you are looking to reignite the spark in your relationship or want to explore new ways to show your love, Couple Life 3D has got you covered. So, if you are a couple looking for a new way to connect, download Couple Life 3D today and experience the magic of love in a virtual world.


January 11, 2024
❤️ Velkommen til Couple Life 3D, et flott RELATIONSHIP-simuleringsspill! ❤️

Dette interaktive spillet lar deg LEVE historiene dine med kjærlighet, romantikk, eventyr og drama. Du får ta valg og velge din skjebne.

Forholdet er så gøy! Men mange dramaer kan skje i et forhold.
– Er du i bryllupsreisefasen, og vil alltid være sammen?
– Spiller du lidenskapelige og skitne spill?
– Spretter du den andre halvdelen din?
– Utroer dere hverandre?

I dette spillet kan du oppleve alle slags dramatiske hendelser og ta dine egne avgjørelser!

⭐ Vakker 3D-grafikk
⭐ 100 % gratis spill
⭐ Morsomt og vanedannende spill
⭐ Enkel kontroll

LAST NED GRATIS NÅ! Spill gjennom mange nivåer av morsomme utfordringer mellom par! Ta ditt parliv til neste nivå!
Rangeringer Og Anmeldelser
5 206,236
4 35,395
3 23,437
2 15,768
1 41,865