DB Customer Connect Apk

DB Customer Connect

Aplicación de Cliente de Dainik Bhaksar

DB Customer Connect is a popular app that is designed to provide convenient and effective communication between customers and businesses. Developed by DB Survey App, this app creates an instant connection between customers and businesses, enabling them to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions directly to the business owners. With its user-friendly interface, this app is an excellent platform to keep customers informed about the latest promotions and updates from the businesses. It is packed with features that can help businesses focus on customer satisfaction, and grow their customer base. DB Customer Connect is a perfect solution for any business looking to improve their customer relationships and stay ahead of the competition.

Información De La Aplicación

May 11, 2024
Google Play ID
Descripción De La Aplicación
ejecutivos de campo de Dainik Bhaskar recogen los datos de sus clientes para diversas actividades a través de esta aplicación, que incluye sus datos personales, sus preferencias de lectura, etc. Los clientes pueden seleccionar y reservar directamente Dainik Bhaskar los productos directamente a través de esta aplicación.